Jeese where do I start with Holden... He isnt interested in school and he has been expelled 4 times but doesnt care. In pency he funked 4 outof 5 subjects, Passing engish because he'd done thepoems already in a past school, Whooton School. 'I mean I didn't have to do any work in English at all hardly, except write compostitions once in a while."
This quote from the book, I think, reflects Holdens personality. He's lazy because he does nothing in school. He hates phoneys who say things like 'Grand, that's a word I really hate ' and 'Good Luck, it sounds terrible...'. He's a smoker and drinks alot (his favourite being scotch and soda) because he looks older. He seems imature to the first impression, but he actually is quite thoughtfull because he reads books such as 'Out of Africa' and 'The return of the native' but he continously seeks attention. What is suprising about him is that he actualyy toubked in life by the death of his younger brother, Allie, who he compares himself by personality and interlectually. What you think of Holden is a mystery..